Wednesday, December 8, 2010


You no the feeling.
You wake up witth a hedake. Cant get your zippr to wrrk on yuor cote. step in dog crap. spill yuor coffee all ovr yuorslf RITE aftr yuor showr. and yuor stil thinkn, welp its sunny! THATS good!
and tthen

yuo sddnly feel sick to yuor tummy wth the 'down' discomfrrt and all th bathrooms are ocupyd.

tthe vry definishn of "Shitty Day".

But its STILL ok cos the christmas tree is up and ther are cookys in th kichen and itts too cold to ventr owt anyway, so declare it PJ DAY!
aaaaaaaand we'r hafway bak to good.

I've got some new stuff. I wrrkd all day ystrday on calenders for 2011. my frrst at selling. not shur how its gona go. this is an exprmnt. Thay sell for $35, and COST $27 jusst so ya no i'm not stiffin ya. heer thay are, This is my "Back Home" tribute, photography in western Illinois.
Heer is my floral tribute, "Seasons In Color".
This is my wild side, "Wild Things"

SO, we'l see how THAT gos.

Heer is a desiner I only wish I cod take full advantage of! Makiemonster's talent and style is only outmachd by her very afordbl prising. Chek it out.
THESE are incredbl, hand paintd fully custom, starting at $35, $10shipping

gorgus! just stunning, at $15! free shipping

"For the Love of Reading", stellar at $14, free shipping

Stellar Beuty, for $16, free shipping

A native american artist, CandythomasGourdArt is just brethtaking. This is a time consumng art, that fundmently by desine makes eech item creatd a 1-of-a-kind. take a look.
ABSOLUT MY FAVRIT!!! just LOOK AT THAT!!! $50 wth $5shipping

The intrict web desine acros the top is STELLAR. $140, $5 shipping

I love th detaling. $18, with $3 shipping

This just takes my breth. it is so beutiful. $48 with $5 shipping

Welp thank yuo for sharing a cup of coffee with me. Have a grate day!


  1. Hi Sara, just read your blog and really enjoyed it. It gave me some perspective on my day and at least got me out of myself. Thanks!
    You did a great plug for Candy's gourds too!

  2. I l-o-v-e PJ days.
    BTW, Candy's gourds are fabulous aren't they!

  3. Hi Sara, Did you know that Irish people believe stepping in dog poo is lucky? Not the rest of the stuff you mentioned though :>) Hope you're feeling better. Candy's gourds are the best!

  4. Sara I so enjoy reading your blog,you do such a great job and always make me smile.Thank you very much for featuring my gourds.It truly means alot to me.Wado sweet girl.

  5. Sara ~ been thinking about you and good to see you back at the campfire.
    Love you blogs and Yay for featuring Candybacon ! Hogs !

  6. Sara I just love reading your blog,you always make me smile.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for featuring me,it truly means alot.Take care sweet girl.

  7. karen that is FUNY! i'm as celtic as thay come!
