Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A new LLS Auction! And a Me Update

Well, we DID finish last year's auction though I didn't finish it in my blog. My apologies. We ended up raising a total, I think I remember, of $1,600! Thank you !

That is the beginning of our Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Light The Night Walk for my Cincinnati team HEERS TO HOPE! We will soon begin bidding, June 7. I still have generous donations to add! We have some creative, high end items that I am humbly grateful for.

These amazing donors include some that are multi- year donors that have been with me for years! We will give them all free space for you to look at in this blog. A whole page.

UPDATE on me..........
New seizure combo meds have my seizures under control. I am standing and walking small areas with my full length braces. My legs are still paralyzed so this is amazing! Standing up also helps alieve my awful back pain. Being a 6 on the pain scale of 1-10 is my daily goal.
 I do have some problems I'm struggling with, but I'm dealing.
My tumor in my pituitary is stable. Yay!
I recently had a neurological trauma that looked like stroke. My whole left side was paralyzed and drooping. It was called complicated migraine , since I have one every day. But the paralysis didn't come back within hours, which it should have if that was the dx. So we have a new neurologist and another for a 2nd opinion. My face is ok, but it am still getting my left arm back. It is going well but painful to the point of waking me at night.
Though it may sound I'm ungrateful, anybody who knows me knows it's opposite .

I am enjoying my life as much as I can. I will continue to help. 

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